Our Vice-President Sam-Rahat Muqtadir has become the Club's third Paul Harris Fellow - the first in the new Rotary Year.  A Paul Harris Fellow is awarded to a Rotarian who has made a significant difference in the lives of people by donating $1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation.  VP Sam-Rahat made the contribution in July this year.  Paul Harris fellows receive a Certificate and a pin to recognize their contribution.  Our two earlier Paul Harris Fellows were Rotarians Raaid Ahmad and Tabin Ahmad,
A Rotarian can also become the recipient of a Paul Harris Fellow award, when another Rotarian recognizes him or her for exceptional service by donating $1,000 in cash or points, to the Rotary Foundation in the recipient's name.  Last year, District Governor Mahbub Ahmad recognized 3 of our Club members for outstanding service to the Club and community. They were Secretary Dr. Nazrul Islam, Dr. Muhammad Zaman and Treasurer Mati Pal.
Congratulations, you all have made us proud.!