Posted by Tabin Ahmad on Apr 18, 2019
A colorful Charter Ceremony of the newly established Club took place on 17 April 2019.  District Governor Krishnan Chittur added his signature to the Charter Document which had earlier been signed by Rotary International President Barry Rassin.  He then formally handed over the Charter Document to Charter President  M. Nurul Alam.  Present at the ceremony, held at the Royal Palace Restaurant were District Governor-Elect Mahbub Ahmad, Rotary Advisor and incoming District First Lady Bina Ahmad, Past District Governor Matts Ingemanson,  Incoming Assistant Governors Syed Alirahi and John Ehrlich. as well as President of the Yonker-East Yonkers Club Sundra Lee, and M. Mizan Rahman from the Hicksville Rotary Club.
The ceremony began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the Invocation and members reciting the 4-way Test.  DG Krishnan Chittur inducted Charter members present and haded their Charter member kits and special Charter Member Rotary pins,  
The celebration continued with a sumptuous buffet dinner and fellowship among those present.